Engaging, smooth and authoritative: you may have heard Victors' voice in cinemas, onboard entertainment, TV documentaries, immersive events and audiobooks.
If you need a voice with gravitas that motivates and inspires trust, he is going to hit the spot!
You'll also get crystal clear high-end audio into the bargain, at no extra cost. Victor's sound treated studio is perfectly equipped for worldwide remote sessions, providing professional audio for commercials, corporate videos, narration, trailers, and the web.
Check out the audio and video samples below.
Request a free demo of your script anytime.
Audible, Art Glass Augmented Reality, Bauhaus Museum Dessau, BigRock, Bloomsbury Publishing, Black Cat Publishing, Brioni Bespoke, Cellularline, CloudButler, Discovery Channel, Dragons Group, Emirates Airlines, Harper Audio, iMAX Cinemas, Interecho, Klimt and Monet Virtual Reality Experience, Maag Music & Arts AG, Merck, Mediaset, Millstream films, Moncler, Mondadori, Redfrost Motivational, Slinky Productions, UNESCO World Heritage, Weidenfield & Nicolson.
Middle age, senior
Augmented Reality, Audio Books/Guides, Apps, Commercials, eLearning/Tutorials, Corporate Narration/Presentations, Documentaries, Podcasts, Video Games, Web-Videos
English (Great Britain)
French, Italian
AKG C414 EB, Microtech Gefell M930, Shure SM7b,
Preamplification: Focusrite ISA 430 MKII, MindPrint EN-VOICE valve channel strip
A/D conversion: RME Babyface Pro FS
Studio monitoring: PMC, iLoud IK multimedia
Headphones: Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Apple Macbook Pro environment
Victor Vertunni is a London-born actor, singer-songwriter and voice over artist. From balladeer/storyteller on stage, to media savvy MC, Victor is an all-round performer.
After graduating in Theatre Studies from UEA (UK), he founded Theatre of Eternal Values, an international touring theatrical ensemble based in Italy and currently plays the title role in Monia Giovannangeli’s Shakespeare’s Women, directed by Eric Loren.
He is also co-host of the annual Culture of the Spirit Festival in Cabella Ligure, Italy.
It might not be entirely accurate to call Victor Vertunni a renaissance man. Renaissance implies a rebirth of sorts, whereas Vertunni comes across as an old musical soul; not so much plucking items from the past and giving them new voice, but speaking and singing from some deep ancestral or universal memory that has never required remaking. The attraction to the works of William Blake seems almost natural in this light. Blake was renowned in his time for both the musical flow of his poetry, but also for the melodies he would craft for them, almost by accident. While none of that music has filtered down through the years, Victor Vertunni has provided fitting musical backdrops for Blake's creations. The album, William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience, is an often seamless marriage between Blake's fluid poetry and Vertunni's arrangements.
Rockerilla, Italy’s premier music magazine, hailed the album, William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience (2011), a “masterpiece of musical invention” and the song Ah! Sun-flower features in the soundtrack of the award winning motion picture The Italian Key (2011). Victor’s musical compositions were also part of TEV's west-end production of William Blake’s Divine Humanity’ and its touring off-spring, Eternity in an Hour (2008 International Arts Festival Helsinki, 2010 New York International Fringe Theatre Festival, World Council of UNESCO clubs in Lucca). He has performed, in many parts of Europe, China, India, Turkey and USA, as an actor and with his band of family and friends (Voice of the Deep). 2019 saw the release of Victor's third album Children Of The Future Age, with the band Voice of the Deep (Carlo Gizzi, Didier Lamothe, Amedeo Luvié, Maxim Vertunni, Emma Turley), produced by Leo Vertunni.
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